About Us


Is a ministry founded by the calling and the vision of God to capacitate and guide the people of God in the area of true worship, during the time of the restoration of all things, with the purpose of the re – edification of the tabernacle of David.

God desires to live in the midst of worship of His people with similar characteristic to this tabernacle. This worship will unleash the greatest of souls in all of history during this God chosen time for the restoration of continual worship. Worshippers will be capacitated and knowledgeable in what they do. Creatively and joyfully they will worship with excellence.

There will be those that sing and dance with all of their strength, passionate for the presence of God, that are prepared to combat everything that opposes the Kingdom of Christ. These worshippers will have integrity; they will have an unwavering faith, be obedient and holy for the glory of God! God will acknowledge them as “worshippers in spirit and truth”.